Friday, May 16, 2008

Crystal Meth In Perspective

Crystal Meth is the by-product of Rednecks and applied Science.

I'm all for illegal herbage and synthetic stimuli but you'd need an IQ 1 point above retardation to want to try anything that originated from the bottom of a petri-dish last handled by a redneck who just finished reading Alchemy 101 For Dummies.

Even the retards won't try it. So what does that make you?

1 comment:

Peter said...

Meth is very injurious to health it is completely killing the lives, family and communities the people promoting such antisocial activities should not be left free. Effort should be made for people to get cure from this methamphetamine people suffering from this drugs should be delighted with love and care so that it will help them to free from the clutches of meth.
Crystal Meth Addiction