Tuesday, March 3, 2009

WoW Terms Gone Wrong

Just a little pet peeve I have about people who say/type the wrong thing all the time in WoW and wonder why they're confusing everybody else.

  1. Firstly it's spelt roGUe not roUGe. Rouge is women's makeup.
  2. Rogue is pronounced 'Roe-g', not 'roooj'.
  3. Gnome has a silent 'G'. It's pronounced 'Nome', not 'ge-nome'.
  4. 'Proc' is short for 'process'. Hence, PPM stands for Processes Per Minute. You do not 'take 2.5 seconds to proc a frostbolt.' There is no such thing as a 'Proc Spec warrior'
  5. 'Prot' stands for 'Protection'. There is no such thing as 'Protections Per Minute'
  6. Threat is pronounced 'TH-Rat' not Treat. There is no 'Treat Meter' except possibly on halloween.
  7. There is an H in Hearth. You do not Heart back to your inn.
  8. Garrote is not pronounced Karate. 'Gare-rut'.
That's all for now


Anonymous said...

Ahbu's original name (and it's subsequent mispronunciation) beats all these hands down.

^sTone^ said...

Isn't PPM "Parts Per Million"???